The Xbox One was one of the most influential consoles of its generation, even if it wasn’t the best. Due to its pre-launch marketing disaster and an unnecessary early focus on integrating the Kinect, the console barely managed to sell half of the 117 million units PS4 sold.
Despite that, the console remains a fan favorite amongst the most die-hard Xbox followers – and for good reason. The Xbox One was the last of its generation that tried to use the Kinect, featured incredible social features that brought the community together and all 3 models except the original one supported 4K gaming, which was a huge deal at the time of their release.
The Xbox One series had several different models that only improved on the original console released in 2013. The Xbox One S was the first version released in 2016 and was much slimmer and inexpensive compared to the original while having 4K streaming capabilities. Then came Xbox One X in 2017, which was the royalty of the series and was capable of playing select games at 4K through its Xbox One X Enhanced program.
The most recent upgrade, though it can hardly be called one, was the improvised all-digital re-release of the Xbox One S that was identical to the Xbox One X with the exception of a disk drive. It was cheaper than all the other models and came bundled with 3 games as an incentive for players to try it out.
But no matter what console you have, you aren’t immune to getting the occasional error code that may pop up from time to time – especially the older your console gets. From simple software glitches to console-breaking updates, this error code troubleshooting guide lists all the problems that you can face as well as detailed solutions on how to resolve them.
Similar to our previous guide on the Xbox Series XIS Error Codes, let’s take a look at some basic steps that you can take to help you resolve most of the simple Xbox One errors.
The First Steps Towards Solving Most Common Xbox One Issues
These basic troubleshooting measures can save you the future hassle of going through specific solutions, starting off with what to do if your Xbox doesn’t turn on properly –
- If your Xbox isn’t powering on, check if your cables are plugged in properly. It sounds rudimentary, but just a 30-second check of your power cable socket or your HDMI port can result in your Xbox turning on again. The next thing you need to check is if your power adapter is still in working condition. If you don’t see any light on your power supply even after turning it on, there is a likely chance that your power adapter is bricked and you need to get a new one.
- In case your Xbox powers up but doesn’t give a display connection, check if you have plugged the HDMI cable in the ‘HDMI OUT TO TV’ port on the back of the console. If the TV still doesn’t show a display, there is a chance that your TV doesn’t support the display resolution your Xbox is currently on. Here is how you can change the resolution with a few simple steps –
- Changing the resolution of the Xbox – Eject any game disc you have in your console. Power the console off by holding the power button for about 5 seconds. Once that’s done, hold the power button and eject button together until you hear a beep. Tada! Now your TV should hopefully give a display connection at the lowest resolution. To increase this resolution, press the Xbox button on your controller, press Menu and go into your Settings. Select ‘Display & Sound’, then the display settings and resolution you want.
- If your Xbox randomly powers off, change your power settings and keep it in a ventilated place. If your Xbos powers off on its own, especially when you are not using it, you might have incorrect power settings on. Press the Xbox button to reach your Home screen and then press the Menu button to access your Settings. Go to ‘Power & Startup’, select ‘Turn off after’ and choose the period of inactivity after which you want your console to power off. Sometimes your console can also power off if it starts overheating and this can happen anytime – even mid-gameplay. When you first encounter a message stating that your console is getting improper ventilation, make sure to shift your console to a well-ventilated room with proper airflow. If that still doesn’t help, you can try placing it vertically with the help of a stand to see if it helps with the temperatures or alternatively just open it and clean it out.
- If your console won’t update, check Microsoft’s servers or power cycle your console. Microsoft servers can occasionally go down for maintenance for an hour or two, disabling online features like system updates. If you haven’t been able to update your console out of the blue, simply try waiting for a few hours to see if the issue fixes itself. While you are at it, you should also check if your own internet connection is working as it should. Even if that doesn’t help, power cycle your Xbox console with these steps –
- Power cycling your Xbox One – Hold the Xbox power button for a few seconds until your console completely powers off, unplug the power cable from your power outlet as well as your console and simply wait for a few minutes until your console discharges properly. Once you are done, plug the power cable back in and turn it on. You can try doing the same for your router if you’ve been getting connection issues.
- If your console keeps freezing, restart or reinstall the game. If a game starts freezing or lagging for the first time, a simple way to fix this is returning to your Xbox menu and restarting the game. In case the game still freezes and it’s the only one with the issue, you can try a full uninstall and then reinstall to see if it helps. Alternatively, you can also try power cycling the console as explained in the steps above.
- If your console can’t read game discs, check your CD’s condition or try tilting your console. Your go-to response to an unreadable disc error should be to check your game disc’s condition and try to clean it as much as possible. A simple isopropyl alcohol wipe from a microfiber cloth should do the trick. If your Xbox still can’t detect it, try tilting your console up from its front to an approximately 45 degree angle and try inserting your game then to see if it works. While it sounds strange, tilting your Xbox like this can help the disc feeding mechanism inside it pull the game deep enough to be readable again.
- If your Kinect doesn’t connect, check your connection and power cycle your console. If your Xbox can’t detect anything, make sure that the connection isn’t damaged and is properly connected to the back. If it is, power cycle your system and that should fix the issue. There is a detailed guide on how to do that in the steps above.
- If you can’t update your console normally, download and install the update using the OSU1 file. Xbox offers a simple solution to those who are having trouble updating their console normally, which is their Offline System Update file (OSU1). To perform an offline update, you’ll need a PC/laptop with Windows on it and a USB drive with a minimum of 6 GB of space. The first thing you need to do is download the OSU1 file which you can do directly from here. While that’s downloading, plug in your storage device, right click it and then format. In the file system menu that appears, select NTFS and then ‘Start’ to format it – be warned that this will delete all the data on your flash drive so make a backup beforehand. Now extract the downloaded file by right clicking it and selecting ‘Extract’, and copy the ‘$SystemUpdate’ file to your removable drive. Now simply select eject in File Explorer using right click and your offline system update is all ready.
- If you hear your Xbox making a grinding sound when you insert a game disc, return your console to Microsoft. This grinding sound was a widely reported issue at the time of the console’s release and Microsoft has already confirmed that any owners who encounter the issue can return the console to them directly. If, by any chance, you find a new Xbox in a store with its warranty intact facing this same problem, you can directly ship it off to Microsoft and get yourself a replacement. Alternatively, if it’s your own old console, you can simply replace the optical drive at a local repair shop.
Xbox One Software Related Error Codes
From launch failures to buggy updates, the Xbox One is infamous for its software related error codes that still continue to pop up till date. This section focuses on resolving these errors in the simplest manner possible –
Error Code 0x800705b4
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Software
0x800705b4 Error Explained: This error code indicates that the console failed to launch an application after an update.
How to solve 0x800705b4: Try power cycling your console to clear any cache that may be interfering with the launch. We have a detailed guide on how to do this in our first steps section above. If the error keeps appearing, consider uninstalling the application entirely and downloading it again. Another common solution is removing and re-adding your profile.
If the issue persists: Unfortunately, your only solution is to factory reset your console which erases all system data except your games and apps. To do this, press the Xbox button on your controller to open the main menu, head into ‘Profile & system’, then ‘Settings’ and then ‘System’. Once you’re inside, find the ‘Console info’ section and select the ‘Reset console’ button inside. Select ‘Reset and keep my games & apps’. Let the console finish the setup and you’ll be good to go.
Error Code E100
- Severity: Severe
- Problem Category: Software
E100 Error Explained: This error code indicates a failed system update.
How to solve E100: The first thing you need to do is power cycle your console to remove any corrupted cache files – check the first steps section on how to do this. When you turn your device back on, there is a high chance that you’ll encounter the same issue but all you need to do here is press the eject, pair and power button at the same time. In case you have a Xbox One S digital edition, simply press the pair and power button at the same time. Continue holding the buttons until you hear two beeps and then release them. This should take you to Xbox Startup Troubleshooter. Now select ‘Reset this Xbox’ and then ‘Keep games and apps’. After the reset is done, your console should be back to its original condition again.
If the issue persists: Download a system update on your PC and upload it offline on your Xbox, the detailed instructions for which can be found in our ‘first steps’ section above. In case even that doesn’t work, and your Xbox is out of warranty, you can try opening it and reconnecting the HDD & disc drive.
Error Code E101
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Software
E101 Error Explained: This error code indicates a problem with an update.
How to solve E101: You’ll need to download the Offline System Update (OSU1) file to overhaul your console using the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter. You can do so by following the detailed instructions on our ‘first steps’ section. Once you’ve downloaded the update on your USB, plug it in and turn on your console. Now, bring up the Xbox troubleshooter by pressing the Xbox button to power up the console and then holding the Pair and Eject button simultaneously until you hear two beeps. Once the menu pops up, select the Offline System Update option on the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter to launch the update using the files on your flash drive.
If the issue persists: It’s most likely a hardware issue, coming from either your disk drive or hard drive. You can consider repairing the console or saving your money to buy a newer model.
Error Code E102
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Software
E102 Error Explained: This error code indicates a malfunction when turning on your console after an OS update.
How to solve E102: Try accessing the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter by powering up the console and then holding the Pair and Eject button simultaneously until you hear two beeps. Once on the troubleshooter, select Reset this Xbox and then Keep games and apps. Once it resets and restarts, you should be safely back on your home screen.
If the issue persists: Try updating the console offline using the steps given in our ‘first steps’ section.
Error Code E105
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Software
E105 Error Explained: This error code indicates a malfunction with a recent system update.
How to solve E105: Your first step should be to do a simple restart to see if it fixes the issue. In case it doesn’t, try power cycling the console with our accurate instructions in the ‘first steps’ section above. If even that doesn’t work, bring up the troubleshooter by turning on your Xbox and holding the eject and pair buttons simultaneously. After the menu pops up, select ‘Remove everything’ – do note that this will delete all your applications and games and you’ll need to download them again. Once the reset’s finished, your console should be back to normal again.
If the issue persists: Your console might be faulty. You can try submitting a repair request to Microsoft or send it to a local repair shop to fix.
Error Code E200
- Severity: Severe
- Problem Category: Software
E200 Error Explained: This error code indicates a malfunction when updating the system.
How to solve E200: As usual, going with a power cycle at the start is a risk-free option that can instantly help resolve the issue – check out our ‘first steps’ section if you are wondering how to do it. If that doesn’t help, download an offline update and install it through the troubleshooter menu that you can access by holding the pair and eject button simultaneously until you hear two beeps. Even after installing the update, if your console still faces the same issue then you can reset your Xbox to factory settings as a last resort – be warned that this option will erase all your games and you’ll need to reinstall them. To do this, go into the troubleshooter menu that we discussed earlier and select the ‘Remove everything’ option. After the reset’s complete, you should be returned back to your homescreen just the way it was.
If the issue persists: Your console is likely broken and one of the only ways to fix it is sending it to Microsoft or repairing it at a local repair shop. .
Xbox One Internet Connection Related Error Codes
Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to join your friends’ party but not being able to because of random internet connection errors. Don’t you worry though, because this section exclusively focuses on resolving these errors and ensuring a seamless online experience for you.
Error Code 0x80072ee7
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Network
0x80072ee7 Error Explained: This error code indicates your console could not load content because of connection issues.
How to solve 0x80072ee7: The first thing you should do is simply reload the game or check back later – subtle issues like these can sometimes fix themselves. If that doesn’t work, check the Xbox Status page to verify if the issue is related to your console or the servers. If the servers are down, simply wait for a few hours and then you’ll be good to go. In case they aren’t, do a power cycle on both your Xbox and router to discharge them completely. To do this, follow the instructions in our ‘first steps’ section and apply the same for your network device.
If the issue persists: You can test your console’s connection to Xbox Live. You can do this by restarting your modem or router. Then, press the Xbox button to prompt the menu, and head to Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings > Test network speed & statistics. If this shows a packet loss percentage of over 5%, follow Xbox’s troubleshooting instructions.
Error Code 0x807A1007
- Severity: Minor to Moderate
- Problem Category: Network
0x807A1007 Error Explained: This error code probably indicates a connectivity error between your console and the host when trying to join a party.
How to solve 0x807A1007: Often, these issues can resolve themselves by simply rejoining the party, or restarting your console and then rejoining the party. If that doesn’t work, go to the left end of your Home screen to open the Guide and head to Settings > Network > Current Network Status and then Change your NAT Type to Open. Make sure that you tell your friends to do the same if they haven’t already. If even that doesn’t help, you can enable the energy-saving option by going to Settings > Power & Startup > Power Mode > Energy saving.
If the issue persists: Try changing your region, though this requires you have to have money in your account, can only be done once per 3 months and a few services are very region-specific. Go to Guide through the left of your home screen then > Settings > System > Language & Location and select a new region. Then press Restart Now. Lastly, you can restore the console to factory defaults but be aware that this will erase all your game data. Go to Settings > All Settings > System > Console info & Updates > Reset console and when prompted, select ‘Remove everything’.
Error Code 0x89231806
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Network
0x87231806 Error Explained: This error code indicates network compatibility issues between you and your party members.
How to solve 0x87231806: This error only occurs when you and your party members you are trying to join have different NAT types. To fix this, go to Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings, and you’ll see your NAT type under Current Network Status. Set it to Open and tell your friends to do the same.
If the issue persists: Check for common NAT errors. If it reads Unavailable, you need to enter your router’s settings and in the IPv6 configuration, enable Teredo and IPv6 tunneling. If it reads Double NAT detected and you have both a router and a gateway (a router and modem combined into one device), you’ll have to put your gateway in bridge mode, which can be done by talking to your Internet Provider. Make sure to go through Xbox’s detailed NAT error troubleshooter to identify the exact problem you might be facing and execute the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
Error Code 0x8B0500B6
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Network
0x8B0500B6 Error Explained: This error code indicates a network issue while attempting to perform a system update.
How to solve 0x8B0500B6: The first solution is to restart your console and try to update again. You can do this by pressing the Xbox button on your controller and selecting Restart console > Restart. Alternatively, try switching to a different network or connection method if that doesn’t work. If the error still pops up, you can do an offline update instead with the OSU1 file. Follow the detailed instructions in our ‘first steps’ section on how to boot the offline update and once that’s done, enter the troubleshooter menu with the USB connected. For those who aren’t aware, you can enter the troubleshooter by holding the pair and eject button simultaneously after turning on your PC.
Xbox One Maintenance and Server Issues Related Error Codes
Microsoft isn’t the best company when it comes to keeping their servers in optimal condition and as such, server issues are an all too common occurrence for Xbox players. This section will help you guide these error codes and tell you exactly what you need to do when you encounter them.
Error Code 0x8027025a
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x8027025a Error Explained: This error code indicates that the Xbox server may be experiencing problems, the app didn’t load on time, or a sign-in problem with your profile.
How to solve 0x8027025a: Check the Xbox Status page to see if the servers are down. If they aren’t, check your own internet connection to ensure it isn’t causing the issue with the help of another device. If it’s working perfectly fine, try doing a power cycle for your console – the detailed instructions of which you can find above in the ‘first steps’ section.
If the issue persists: You can try removing and adding your Xbox profile again – this won’t affect your game data as long as it’s been uploaded to Xbox Live. To do so, open Guide, go into Profile & system > Settings > Account > Remove accounts and choose the active profile that you are currently using there. When prompted, confirm that you want to remove the profile. To add it again, follow similar steps. Head into Profile & System > Add or switch > Add new and then enter the Microsoft account details that your game data is uploaded to.
Error Code 0x876C0001
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x846C0001 Error Explained: This error code indicates the content is not currently available, usually due to a network issue.
How to solve 0x846C0001: As with most connection errors, check if Xbox servers are down on their status page as well as your own connection. If that doesn’t work, the first thing you should do is sign out and then sign into your account again and see if that works. In case you don’t know how, you can sign out of your account by opening Guide, heading into Profile & system, and then selecting Sign out. Restart your console and sign in again to see if your issue has been fixed. In case you still encounter the issue, try power cycling your console using the instructions in our ‘first steps’ section.
If the issue persists: Open up Guide and select Profile & system> Settings > System > Updates and check if there are any new updates available. If there are, try updating your console to see if it helps.
Error Code 0x87DD0004
- Severity: Minor to Moderate
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x87DD0004 Error Explained: This error code indicates an issue when downloading content on your Xbox One.
How to solve 0x87DD0004: First, check the Xbox Status page to ensure it isn’t a server-side issue. If it isn’t, go to My games & apps > See all > Queue, and then check the status of the content you’re trying to download. If it shows as Queued or Paused, select it, press the Menu button, and pick Resume installation.
If the issue persists: Try power cycling your console – feel free to check the instructions in our ‘first steps’ section.
Error Code 0x87DD0006
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x87DD0006 Error Explained: This error code indicates an issue while trying to sign in to Xbox Live.
How to solve 0x87DD0006: Before doing anything else, visit the Xbox Status page to see if the servers are down or in maintenance. If they aren’t, you can try restarting your console. If even that doesn’t help, you can try doing a power cycle to discharge your Xbox and clear the cache by following our tips in the ‘first steps’ section.
If the issue persists: You can simply circumvent the error by logging into your Xbox without an internet connection and playing your
Error Code 0x87DE0017
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x87DE0017 Error Explained: This error code indicates that an issue occurred when downloading content to your Xbox One.
How to solve 0x87DE0017: This error was quite common during the initial years of the Xbox One release and they almost always stemmed from server issues from the company’s side. That’s why, we recommend checking the Xbox Live status page to see if the servers are down. Alternatively, you can try to redownload your game or app. Do so by going to My games & apps > See all > Games, and find the game you want to play. Uninstall it and then power cycle your device to get rid of any residue cache.
If the issue persists: Contact Xbox Support.
Error Code 0x97E107DF
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x97E107DF Error Explained: This error code indicates that your console failed to validate licenses while launching a game.
How to solve 0x97E107DF: This error caused quite the pandemonium on Xbox forums 4 years ago. If you get the same error today, your first line of action should be checking the Xbox Status page to see if the servers are down. If the servers are down, you can set a notification to alert you when they come back online. Otherwise, try resetting your console and network device to wipe out any firmware malfunctions. Alternatively, log out of your Xbox account through the home page and sign back in after resetting the console.
If the issue persists: Try playing offline, disc games for a while till Xbox gets its stuff together.
Error Code 0x8000ffff
- Severity: Minor to Moderate
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x8000ffff Error Explained: This error code indicates that some Xbox Live features are unavailable either due to maintenance or a problem with your connection.
How to solve 0x8000ffff: Check the Xbox Status page as well as your own internet connection to see which one is causing the issues. If neither one of them is the culprit, try power cycling your console with the help of our instructions in the ‘first steps’ section. You can also try signing out of your account, resetting the console, and logging back in. If even that doesn’t help, open Guide and head into Settings. Go to Power and Startup, and look for an option like Energy-saving mode and ensure it’s set to ‘Instant mode’.
If the issue persists: Enter Guide, hold the RT and Y button simultaneously until the channel list appears and updates itself.
Error Code 0x800488FC
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x800488FC Error Explained: This error code occurs when you are trying to sign into Xbox but there’s an Xbox Live service outage.
How to solve 0x800488FC: Since the error only occurs when there is an Xbox Live service outage, one of the only things you can do is check if the Xbox servers are up. To do so, head onto the Xbox Status page and confirm if your region’s servers are undergoing maintenance. If they are, simply try playing offline or wait the maintenance period out which can go up to 6 hours.
Error Code 0x800704CF
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x800704CF Error Explained: This error code indicates a problem with the network while logging in.
How to solve 0x800704CF: Check your own internet connection and the Xbox Status page to verify if the servers are up. If they are, power cycle your console and router to get rid of cache and any software malfunction. You can do this by following our instructions in the ‘first steps’ section above. If even that doesn’t work, head into your Settings > General Settings > Network Settings > Advanced Settings and then find Alternate MAC Address. Clear the current MAC address and the issue should be resolved after an update.
If the issue persists: Head into Xbox Settings > General > Network Settings > Advanced Settings > IP Settings and then change them to automatic. Repeat the same steps for DNS settings.
Xbox One Games Related Error Codes
Rarely, players can encounter licensing error codes when playing their favorite titles which can disable them from playing the games of their choice. This section ensures that you continue to play your favorite games using our detailed solutions.
Error Code 0x82D40003
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Game
0x82D40003 Error Explained: This error code indicates you need to purchase the game or app, either because the trial version expired or you’re signed in with a different account.
How to solve 0x82D40003: You may have bought this game or app with a different profile. If this is the case, sign in with the correct account. If somebody else bought that game for you, you can sign in with their account or set your console as their home Xbox. You can do this by making them Sign in, then press the Xbox button to prompt the Guide. Next, head to Profile & system > Settings > General > Personalization > My home Xbox.
If the issue persists: Contact either the game developer’s or Xbox’s customer support.
Error Code 0x87DE2713
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Game
0x87DE2713 Error Explained: This error code indicates that Microsoft Store had an issue validating your license to use an app or game.
How to solve 0x87DE2713: First, check the Xbox Status page to determine whether the servers are having issues. If the servers are running well, try a power cycle on your console using the steps in our ‘first steps’ section at the top.
If the issue persists: You can try removing and re-adding your Xbox account. Do so by going to Settings > Account > Remove accounts, and then confirm by selecting Remove. Press the Xbox button to continue, choose your profile picture, pick the option Add new, and login with the Microsoft account that you have your progress on.