The Series X|S was Xbox’s first entry for 4K gaming in the console market and, to no one’s surprise, it became the quickest selling console in the company’s history despite facing shortages. This new generation of hardware had a plethora of different features that made Xbox fans rush to buy them – even if they didn’t boast the best game library at the time of their release.
For the first time in history, a console featured full ray-tracing – a feat that was only achieved by the most expensive and high-end PCs on the market. To pair with that, Microsoft also chipped in about 1TB of superfast SSD storage to shorten loading times by at least 60% even in the most demanding titles. The GPU architecture Microsoft integrated inside the console promises a minimum of 4K60fps on latest AAA titles.
And while the new game library was quite lackluster at the time of the series’ release, Microsoft has since quickly caught up and now offers several great Xbox-exclusive titles that can only be played on a series X or S. Another cherry on top is the backwards compatibility that Xbox Series X|S have which enables them to run any older Xbox One title and even a select few Xbox 360 titles.
While the Xbox Series X and Series S feature similar specifications, a detailed look at their models show that the Series X is vastly better than its counterpart but also comes at a higher price tag. The Series X promises 4K60fps at the minimum on latest titles while the Series S only features 2K60fps. The more expensive console also features a 4K Blu-ray drive which is a must-have feature for people with physical game copies.
As incredible as the consoles are, even they are not immune to the inevitable error code pop up you may encounter in your daily usage, similar to the Original Xbox Error Codes. These errors can be particularly annoying and difficult to deal with which is where our Xbox Series X|S troubleshooting guide comes in. This guide is designed to resolve most of the common error codes you face with detailed solutions and additional tips to ensure they don’t occur again.
Before we move on with the specifics though, let’s see some basic measures we can take to resolve common Xbox issues.
The First Steps Towards Solving Most Common Xbox Series X|S Issues
Looking up error codes and going through their error-specific solutions is a tedious task. This section can help you avoid that hassle and solve most common issues as well as prevent any future issues from cropping up –
- If your Xbox won’t power up, check your adapter and cables. While it may seem obvious, the simplest reason your console won’t turn is often a disconnected adapter or a loose HDMI cable. Make sure all your cables are snugly placed in their connectors and aren’t loose. If you have a spare power cable, you can also try swapping it to see if your power adapter is the issue.
- If you get a corrupted image or no signal on your display, change your display settings. If you happen to own a Samsung, LG, or Vizio TV and encounter this issue, don’t worry, Microsoft has already identified the problem. All you need to do is update your TV’s firmware to the latest version through its manual settings. If that doesn’t work, you need to go into safe mode and change your display settings. From safe mode, go into ‘Settings’, then ‘General’ and head right into ‘TV’ and then ‘Display Options’. Once you’re in, try changing the resolution to one fully supported by your TV and check if it works. If it doesn’t, re-enter safe mode and try these display settings out – 4K120Hz with VRR off, 2K120Hz with VRR on or 4K60Hz with VRR on. You can find the refresh rate settings inside the ‘Video Modes’ menu in ‘Display Options’. If you are not sure how to enter safe mode, here’s how to do it –
- Going into safe mode – Remove any disc you have inside your console if you haven’t done so already. Press the Xbox button for about 10 seconds until it properly shuts down. Then, keep holding the Xbox + Eject buttons until you hear two beeps. You’ll enter safe mode at a lower resolution.
- If your Xbox can’t play any game discs, clean it or power reset your console. Before you move on to drastic steps, it’s important that you clean your disc of any dust it may have picked up. If your console still can’t recognize it, try popping another game to see if that one is working. If it is, your original disc is likely broken. If the other game also doesn’t work, try power resetting your console. Here’s how –
- Power resetting your console – Press the Xbox button and select ‘Settings’ from the menu that pops up. Head into ‘Profile & System’, ‘Settings’, find ‘General’ and head into ‘Power Mode & Start-Up’. Once you’re in, select Energy-Saving in the power mode option. Shut down your Xbox, power it up again and try entering the disc again. Your issue should be resolved.
- If your Xbox can’t connect to the servers, wait for a few hours or power cycle your router. Xbox’s servers go down for maintenance every so often and when they do you can’t access online services and features like you were normally able to. If you can’t connect to the Internet on the Series X or S, try checking if the servers are up on Xbox’s live status page. If they aren’t, simply wait for a few hours until they are back. But if they are, you might need to power cycle your router. Don’t worry, we’ll guide you on exactly how.
- Power cycling your router – Turn off your router, disconnect it from the power outlet, let it discharge properly for about 2-3 minutes and then turn it back on again. This process is called power cycling and you can do the same process with your console as well.
- If your Xbox controller turns on but isn’t working, check its batteries or try pairing it again. It might be straightforward for many experienced gamers but those using a Xbox for the first time can forget that you need to routinely change the batteries inside your controller to keep them functional. In case you’ve already tried that though, you might need to pair your device instead. Simply turn on your console and then your controller with their respective Xbox buttons, bring them close to each other and press the pair button on the front of your console as well as the back of your controller. Hold them until the Xbox button on your controller flashes, letting you know that your device has been paired.
- If your Xbox keeps getting the same issue and the customer support isn’t willing to help out, try factory resetting the console. Let us clear this with a preface that a factory reset should always be your last resort. Doing a factory reset can either erase all your games or have your console stuck in a tedious setup for hours depending on what option you pick. You should only do this as a last resort if you keep encountering an issue and Microsoft’s customer support isn’t willing to help you. Or, if they are charging exorbitant prices to do it – same thing in our book. If you’re still interested, here’s how to do a factory reset –
- Factory resetting your console – Press the Xbox button on your controller and select ‘Profile & System’ from the menu that shows up. Go into ‘Settings’, ‘System’ and then ‘Console info’. Once you’re inside, select ‘Reset console’ and choose ‘Reset and remove everything’. Let your console complete the setup and follow the steps once your storage is completely cleared.
Xbox Series X|S Network Related Error Codes
This section lists all the potential network errors you can get and how you can resolve them easily. Note that resolving some of these errors may require physical access to your router and the availability of another network connection that you can connect to for testing purposes. The list can seem intimidating, but don’t worry, we are here to help you out with every single error, starting off with the infamous code 0x80010108 –
Error Code 0x80010108
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Network
0x80010108 Error Explained: This error indicates an unexpected problem with the Xbox online services.
How to solve 0x80010108: Your first line of action should be to check the Xbox Live Status page to see if all the online services are up and running. If they aren’t, you need to wait a few hours until the services you want to use become available again. In case the services are online, try restarting the console by holding the Xbox button for 10 seconds until it powers off and then turn it on again. If even that doesn’t work, power cycle your console by turning it off, disconnecting the power cables, waiting for a few minutes and then turning it back on.
If the issue persists: Check if the issue is occurring with a specific game and if it is, uninstall and reinstall that game as the error might be occurring due to incomplete game data. If that doesn’t help, contact Xbox Support for further assistance. Alternatively, you can also try factory resetting your console if the customer care is of no help. We have a detailed guide on how to perform it on our ‘first steps’ section, literally above this error – you can’t miss it.
Error Code 0x87c40000
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Network
0x87c40000 Error Explained: The code appears mainly when Xbox Live has difficulties exchanging data with your Xbox Series X|S system.
How to solve 0x87c40000: This error has existed since the Xbox One era and there still isn’t an official solution from Microsoft’s side for it. The good news is that it is most likely a server error from Xbox live. To fix it, simply head back to your home screen and try waiting for a few minutes before you attempt to connect your console again. You also want to ensure that your internet is working fine with some other device such as your smartphone or a laptop.
Error Codes 0x87de0017, 0x87e107d1, 0x87e107d7, 0x87e107ed, 0x87e107ed, 0x87e10804, 0x87E00011 and 0x97e10804
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Network
Errors Explained: These errors indicate there was a malfunction when attempting to download content to your console from the Microsoft Store.
How to solve the error code range: Oftentimes, this error range occurs due to Microsoft’s server maintenance. You can check if that’s the case by accessing the Xbox Live Status page. In case the servers are indeed down, simply wait for a few hours and try downloading again. If they aren’t, go to the My Games and Apps option on the console’s Home Screen, select ‘All’ and then ‘Queue’, and choose the application you wish to redownload. When the pop-up appears, simply press the menu button to resume the installation process. If that doesn’t help either, make sure that it’s not your own network causing the issue by testing it once with another device such as your smartphone or a laptop. It’s also a good idea to check if your Xbox is actually able to receive internet. To do this, press the Xbox button, select ‘Profile & system’, then go into ‘Settings’, ‘General’ and finally into ‘Network settings’. Select ‘Test Network connection’ and check your signal strength. If the console can’t detect the network or the signal is poor, try using a different network or your mobile’s hotspot to see if it temporarily resolves the issue.
If the issue persists: Contact Xbox Support for further assistance.
Error Code 0x87e0012d
- Severity: Moderate to Severe
- Problem Category: Network
0x87e0012d Error Explained: This error pops up when there is a malfunction on Xbox Live.
How to solve 0x87e0012d: Check if Xbox’s servers are undergoing maintenance through their official Xbox Live Status page. Also, if you haven’t done so already, complete any pending updates of the multiplayer game you are trying to run. If that doesn’t help, try power cycling your console by switching it off and removing the power cables for at least 5 minutes. Once the console is discharged properly, plug it back in and see if you still get the same error. If even that doesn’t work, one of your only remaining options is to simply uninstall and then reinstall the game you get the error in.
If the issue persists: You may have to reset the console to its default factory settings. While we do have a detailed guide on how to do this in our first steps section, be warned that this is a very drastic step that deletes all your games from the console.
Error Code 0xc0000189
- Severity: Moderate
- Problem Category: Network
0xc0000189 Error Explained: The error shows that your console is experiencing interference while connecting to Xbox Live.
How to solve 0xc0000189: While a normal restart does the trick, we recommend doing a power cycle to get a better chance of resolving the problem. To do this, simply turn off your console, disconnect the power cables from their socket and wait a few minutes before turning it back on again. If that doesn’t work, uninstall and then reinstall the game that’s causing the error to occur in the first place.
If the issue persists: You’ll have to do a factory reset of your console. The good news is, you don’t have to delete your games and redownload them from the start. Follow the steps for factory resetting in our ‘first steps’ guide and when prompted to choose between ‘Reset and remove everything’ and ‘Reset and keep my games & apps’, make sure you choose the second option. Follow the setup till the end and you are good to go.
Xbox Series X|S General Error Codes
There are tons of miscellaneous errors that arise from bugs, application issues and in-game problems. If one of these errors is plaguing you, don’t worry, because this section lists the most common general error codes out there for the Xbox Series X|S and step-by-step solutions to every single one of them.
Error Code 0x87e10007
- Severity: Severe
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x87e10007 Error Explained: This error pops up when the game you are trying to play is incompatible with your console.
How to solve 0x87e10007: If you are reading this, it might be too late for you. Unfortunately, the only solution to this error is simply moving on and getting a game that is supported by your console. Xbox has a detailed list of backwards compatible games on their website which can help you avoid getting this error in the future. That being said, if you are trying to run a physical game on your Series X that’s getting this error code, you can try your luck by downloading the same game through the marketplace. Users who have reported this problem on forums have noticed two bugged copies of the same title on their storage which directly caused this issue. If that is indeed the case with your Xbox as well, make sure you delete both copies and download a fresh one from the store.
Error Code 0x80070020
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Software
0x80070020 Error Explained: This error can occur if you try to launch an app that is already running.
How to solve 0x80070020: Check the Xbox Status page to see if any online services have alerts. If they do, you can turn on notifications for them so that you know when a particular service gets back up again – or you can simply wait for a few hours. If that doesn’t work or in case all online services are working fine, restart the application you are trying to run. Additionally, simply restart the console itself to see if it fixes the issue.
Error Code 0x803f9007
- Severity: Minor
- Problem Category: Miscellaneous
0x803f9007 Error Explained: Depending on how you are playing the game, this error can indicate three different issues – 1) The game disc isn’t in the console anymore, 2) You were playing a game on a trial period which has now expired, or 3)You have purchased and downloaded a game but haven’t signed in.
How to solve 0x803f9007: Since the error can be classified into three different issues, each of their solutions is also unique – 1)If you are playing a game through a disk, make sure that you didn’t eject it accidentally. You need to also make sure that said disk isn’t scratched or damaged, which may disable your console from detecting it. 2)If you are playing a game on trial, the error is an indication that you have reached the end of the trial and you’ll have to purchase the game to play more. 3)If you are playing a game but haven’t signed into the Xbox network, do so right away as it is necessary to save your in-game progress and achievements.
Xbox Series X|S Payment Related Error Codes
While there are several payment related error codes out there, this section lists the most common one and a detailed solution to resolve it. We strongly advise reading the entire solution if you come across a Xbox payment error. Microsoft can be pretty unforgiving and they can suspend your accounts if you don’t pay them the money you owe.
Error Code 0x803f800b
- Severity: Severe
- Problem Category: Payment
0x803f800b Error Explained: This error indicates that either your Xbox subscription has expired or your payment information is incorrect.
How to solve 0x803f800b: The first thing you should do is head into your payment information and make sure that all your payment methods are updated. You can find this section by going into Profile & system, Settings, Account and then Subscriptions. Choose each subscription that you currently have and under ‘Payment and billing’, select ‘Change how you pay’. Verify that your payment information is correct and if it isn’t, select ‘Add a new way to pay’ and add your updated details. In some cases, if a subscription transaction has already failed on your account, then there is a chance your account might have incurred outstanding balance. Microsoft usually suspends such a subscription and if you notice yours is suspended as well, we highly advise you to go into ‘Payment and Billing’ and select ‘Pay now’ to clear all your dues. This will ensure that your account doesn’t get banned and you can continue to play all your favorite games.
Xbox Series X|S Hardware Related Error Codes
The latest gen console has the latest gen hardware, which is why there haven’t been a lot of hardware related error codes for the console. There is only one major hardware error code that people commonly come across when trying the Kinect games and we will help you understand exactly how to get rid of it.
Error Code 0x87e1000F
- Severity: Minor to Severe
- Problem Category: Hardware
0x87e1000F Error Explained: This error pops up when the game you’re attempting to launch requires Kinect sensors.
How to solve 0x87e1000F: If you are trying to play a game with Kinect support to refresh old memories, we have got some bad news for you. While the Xbox Series X|S supports a number of Xbox One and 360 titles, it can’t play games that require a Kinect sensor. The device has long since been discontinued and is not at all compatible with the new generation of Xbox consoles. Your only option is getting a Xbox One or 360 and playing your nostalgic game titles there.