What made all of these games successful?
Your opinion on what made them successful, similar to the part you had in the previous article on failed esports games.
After that make your research on these games below and sort them out by “most popular”, either take the playerbase or the amount of money that is circulating around it (or make your own formula for the ranking, completely up to you).
LoL, Apex, Valorant, COD, CSGO, DOTA2, FIFA, Fortnite, Hearthstone, Overwatch, PUBG, Rainbow Six Siege, Rocket League, Starcraft 2, Smite, Tekken. In our last research from 2020 these were the most popular games, if one of them died off do tell me and we’ll update the whole site.
Each game should get its own heading and internal links, something like this:
The Most Popular Esports Game: Fortnite
Explain the game, explain the numbers, explain why it’s on this list. Feel free to add more info like the cost of entry, platform availability and so on, then at the end of the article place internal links like:
“For the latest happenings from the game check out our Fortnite News section, and if you would like to start playing here’s our beginners guide to Fortnite.” (important: the guides are still not up, they will be soon).
The Upcomer: Valorant
Explain the game, explain the numbers, explain why it’s on this list, then link to our articles through something like this:
“For the latest happenings from the game check out our Valorant News section, and if you would like to start playing here’s our beginners guide to Valorant.” (important: the guides are still not up, they will be soon).
Outro Heading
Close the article, link to this article through this anchor “failed esports games” (e.g. Although these games made it, there are tons of failed esports games out there)