The competitive gaming field has grown tremendously over the past two decades. Because of this, the term behind the industry has officially become a part of the English language that is used on a near-daily …
Jessica Scott
Jessica Scott
A novelist, writer, and editor for nearly fifteen years, Jessica holds degrees in English and Humanities with concentrations in Literature, Linguistics, and Classical and Modern Languages. Originally from Louisville, Kentucky, she now lives in Italy with her husband and two cats, where she spends her days writing, traveling, and babysitting our authors. Jessica helped us form the writing standards for and launch it off the ground, with her most important work being the guide on how to capitalize “esports.” Additionally, she’s passionate about tourism and plays a huge role in our travel guides for gamers. If you’re planning to jump around the globe with your gaming laptop under your arm, you’ll find her work quite interesting.
As a self-published author of several books and an entrepreneur at heart, Jessica has several other projects under her belt, so if you’re interested about learning more, do visit her website and social media handles below.
EU Countries with Fastest Broadband Internet Speeds
Written by: Jessica ScottWritten by: Jessica ScottThere has never been a better time in history for moving to a new country. Thanks to advances in technology and great wi-fi, you can go anywhere you want in the world and still stay …